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Custom Eye Patches.com



Founder Robin Jack

"Custom Eye Patches. com is owned by Charles and Sharon Burns. Charles and Sharon have many years of healthcare experience and it was a natural fit to assume the business that Robin Jack created. Robin Jack had to wear eye patches off and on since 1994, and now, sadly, permanently. She went looking for a comfortable patch that she could wear under her glasses, but couldn't find anything suitable. There was only one solution - make her own! As she was wearing these in and out of her Doctor’s and Ocularist’s office, she was constantly asked where people could get them. So she decided to market them, and with the help of her friend and partner from the UK, she was able to create them faster and more efficiently."

"Being involved in other artistic endeavors and having worked with all these materials in other projects, when they decided to go ahead with this, it was simply a matter of transferring their skills to this venture."

Custom Eye Patches in the beginning, were designed and made by people who used them everyday, what better product research! Robin Jack continues to provide valuable assistance and advice. We understand the needs of eye patch users and produce our products to meet those needs.